The preset browser does not show the preset I selected, but it shows the All folder. Why won’t the preset I selected just stay selected in the browser and why does it reset itself to 0 (All)? Is it just my version 1.0.7? Is there an option to make it stop doing this? No other plugin does this, it makes no sense. Every other plugin shows the selected folder and the preset currently in use in the browser. This is a workflow killer when browsing sounds. Once I closed the plugin, I can’t continue browsing where I left, I have to find again the folder and the preset. I should be able to close the plugin and continue my browsing where I left and not start over every time I open the plugin.
Also the first time in the session I open the plugin it says Init Preset instead of the name of the actual selected preset. I have to close the plugin and reopen, and only then it shows the right name.
Also the left and right arrows are useless, they don’t go to the next and previous presets in the folder/pack. It just goes to random samples, it just has no logic.
If it shows “All” It should at least already be scrolled to the selected preset. I would feel less lost. Idk, this is common sense to me, it’s just how every plugin I’ve ever used worked, and it’s very weird that a basic function like browsing it’s an issue.
Another idea would be to make folders work like “In-page links” (“jump links” or “anchor links”). Once you scroll through All it can also show you the folder you are at in the left folder browser, and vice-versa. Also in All there should be limitations to where a folder ends and the other begins.
Undo / Redo
Added new spectral warp modes - custom filter, custom flanger, custom phaser
Added seed option to random amplitude spectral warp
Added way to set a default preset
Runs natively on Apple silicon
Added ASIO support to standalone
Added normalize and DC offset options to the wavetable editor
Added subharmonic unison mode
Added MIDI learn assignment indicator
Sped up plugin creation
Optimized CPU usage for sample rates above 48kHz
Faster window opening / closing
Faster browser searching
Faster window resizing
Graphics - New skin editor
Graphics - bloom + blur
Graphics - design improvements
Graphics - switched from OpenGL to DirectX11 on Windows
Graphics - switched from OpenGL to Metal on MacOS
**Retains browser state after closing and reopening plugin window**
Fixed slow graphics for the VST3 version in Cubase on MacOS
Fixed graphics offset in some DAW / monitor DPI combinations on Windows
Fixed oscilloscope phase alignment when notes are played with sample offset
Fixed logging in from app in some countries
Fixed plugin startup issues with some internet connections
Fixed staying logged in on non-Debian Linux distros
Fixed staying logged in for some DAWs
Fixed crash in Linux on fast window opening/closing
Fixed crash when downloading packs with some internet connections
Fixed effect modulation jumping after the last note ends
Fixed some effects sounding different under various sample rates
Fixed 2x octave unison mode
Fixed some computer keyboard mapping to midi notes
Dropped LV2 support on Linux
Removed some dependencies on Linux to increase compatibility
Great to hear that the issue is worked on! I avoid using “beta” versions though, crashes kill workflow more than the browsing thing does . Any news of a stable release this year?
No news, consider 1.5.5 Early Access as the final Vital release until you have a solid reason to believe otherwise. The solid reason being a new version is released.
Yeah, the more I read, the more I realize that this plugin is more like someone’s project than a classic product. This totally explains any shortcomings…