I’m just starting and I’d like to try creating my own wave tables from recorded audio files. I’d like to ask in advance: Can anybody recommend a tutorial? I have too many questions for a single forum thread. They are so very general, that I’m sure they have been answered before, somewhere.
What kind of file format is Vital looking for to import wave tables?
Does Vital automatically detect the frequency or does it expect a certain base frequency?
What is the minimum/maximum number of frames in a wave table?
What is the maximum length of a frame?
What different bit depths are supported?
How can I join different samples (or different segments of a sample) as different frames into a single file?
Are there any helper tools for creating wave table files in a format that vital can import?
Inspecting the “Drink the Juice” preset was quite revealing already.
Seems I can load a long sample and then insert key frames with different positions, while window size is global.
I’d still appreciate some brief introductory information. Is there a manual somewhere, that I just didn’t see? I can’t open the file linked here: Manual and Support I’m only getting an empty page.
Yarr in the stars matey,
Apologies, no official or formal manual for Vital, just a community made one. I’m also getting a blank page
hopefully it’s linked elsewhere.
Just chiming in, but I don’t have much for ya:
I know for sure Vital can handle .wav for wavetables, as you can easily import wavetables from say Serum or Massive. These are often 32 bit files but I don’t think they have to be.
tabkes are normally 2048 samples I believe, or atleast 2048 is recommend
This should allow the wavetable to be played in across the full spectrum
I do recommend tuning you samples/wavetables to C before dropping them in, atleast that’s how I’ve been doing it to ensure the pitch is right
These threads might help you more! :
I remember this video being helpful but not sure if it answers your questions directly
Youtube - Wavetable Tutorial
Otherwise also check out the Discord server it’s much more active and the smarter guys are usually over there!
Best of luck
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Thanks a lot, mate! That was very helpful.
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