So when I loaded up the Quad Saw preset, I noticed there was a setting on it is different from the others that I can’t gain access to called “Pull Power”.
I want to try experimenting using that setting using Triangles, Squares, and Sines and such. How do I use it, or what do I need to do to access it?
I only have the ‘plus’ version of Vital but, last time I checked, “Quad Saw” is just a builtin wavetable not an instrument preset.
The “Pull Power” is just a keyframe parameter when you edit a wavetable and is located on the keyframes (small purple diamonds) in the wavetable editor of your oscillator (so for you it’s currently “Quad Saw” your wavetable, you access it by clicking the small pencil in the bottom right corner of your oscillator shape)
It allows to set an easing in/out for a keyframe just as you would in an animation or editing software.
The higher the power, the more “cushioned” a shape transition will be.
I don’t know if I’m clear.
In itself this parameter does nothing on a waveform, you have to set several keyframes to get a difference.
I hope that helps.