Let’s say I’ve got a noisy oscillator, and the Spectral Morph is set to Low Pass at 50%. If I put an envelope with an attack and delay of 0.00 and a low decay onto it bringing it down -0.5, the sound won’t start at 0% Low Pass and will instead have an obnoxious click / tick sound, seemingly due to the sound starting 50% and then quickly going down to 0%.
It shouldn’t be producing sound before the envelope hits the max amplitude with its 0.00s attack, so I can only assume this is a bug.
I could use an envelope with a long attack instead of a long decay and start the knob at 0 and modulate it up to 50 but then when the key is released and the envelope reaches the release section, the knob goes back toward 0 instead of staying at 50 like I want. Basically, I just want an attack and infinite sustain that lasts the entire release of a note.
Lowering the attack on the amp envelope doesn’t make it go away, before anyone suggests it. It just makes it quieter at the expense of my transients.
Are you using envelope 1 to do the modulation? That’s the amplitude envelope so you’ll get a click in the voice if you set that to 0 because of the instantaneous voice amplitude (not the spectral modulation).
If you send envelope 2 to do the modulation and set the delay/attack to 0 of that envelope it should work for you.
I don’t remember which I used, but trying it again with Envelope 1 set to 0 attack for the amp, and Envelope 2 set to 0 attack for Harm Stretch on the init saw to bring it from the starting position of 1 to the modulation’s max value of -1 I don’t get a click. If do the same modulation to Harm Stretch with Envelope 1 I do get a metallic click, not just a pop from starting a waveform mid-cycle but like Harm Stretch was at 1.0 for a split second instead of starting at -1.0.
Does Envelope 1 have a hidden smoothing function on it or something that prevents it from being truly 0.0 attack? I don’t see why the two envelopes would function differently if they’re both set up the exact same way on the UI.