Vital Community Documentation (not an offical manual)


This document is in no way connected, sponsored, paid or in any other way part of the official product. It is a use at your own risk documentation from friendly people on the internet to get you started.

This document has been created with the blessing from Matt Tytel. However it does not get any official support or has any input from Matt. In other words: Do not approach Matt or the official Support channel for any updates on this document.

(how can i fix the missing m in the link? in preview it´s community)

There are a lot of questions about the many functions that Vital provides.
Most questions have been answered here, but it can be time consuming to find them.

So a few decided to collect all information in one document and share it.

Would be nice if some others would join in, and add just a few things so we have coverd most things quickly.

If you like to collaborate please send “SerErris” a PM with your google account (email).


Thanks @vcvr for opening this thread. We can used it for further discussion
I make it easier to PM me, just left here is my PM button.

Also to all, please post here if you want some topics to covered in the manual. This will help us to improve.

As vcvr said any help is welcome and every bit will help to get it in a good shape pretty quick.

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was thinking, tutorial creators could add a short description of something and link up their videos for more info. or just add video links to something allready described. many things are easier to understand when you see them in a video.

and probably nice for beginners when they can find tutorials quick.

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Yes, very good idea. A video might be a very good alternative explanation. Words are greate, but sometimes for a specific thing a video is much quicker.

Also individuals are all have their own preferred learning base. Some like videos and other like printed books.

So the beauty of the online documentation is, that you simply can include videos in the documentation and have them available kind of bookmarks in a condensed spot, easy to find.

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saw this at gimp, where you can find the manual they have a lot of links to beginner tutorials.

this is not a real manual.

but i write manual a few times so maybe people can find this when they use the forum search.






maybe few more times so it apears at the top.

manual manual manual manual manual

manual manual manual manual manual

manual manual manual manual manual

manual manual manual manual manual

manual manual manual manual manual


didn´t work so i added it to the title.



Thank you. Please let us know if/when there are updates.