Thanks for the cool Skins. It makes using the Instrument fun. Odd as it may be, I’m starting to like certain skins for certain kinds of patches.
One general request, is it possible to make the text of inactive items a little less faded out? I’ve not tried to edit my own skins and I’m not generally good at visual design other than knowing what I like and don’t like. i can’t imbed because im a new user, so here’s a link instead. I made a vital skin that resembles abletn in my free time, hope you enjoy
It’s nice, but the Save Preset colors need to be adjusted. At least on my side, the Box to save is Yellow and the Text is White making the text all but invisible. Can you make an adjustment to that?
I’ve not explored the skin editor and have no idea how to do this myself without a lot of trial and error.
I just made a few skins themed after Ableton Live’s mid-light, mid-dark, and dark look and feels (standard brightness, color intensity = 0).
I really was trying to nail the darker ones; mid-light didn’t come out so great (sorry if you use mid-light).
I used the included bash script to generate them; maybe this will be helpful to others in generating other Ableton-friendly skins. If you use different brightness or color intensity, I think all you have to do is change out the PANEL1, PANEL2, and PANEL3 variables.
EDIT: somehow I uploaded everything but the *.vitalskin files! Attached ZIP archive ( now has the vitalskin files and the bash script.