Lavender 2005.vitalskin (9.7 KB)
My Synthwave skins are finally complete.
Synthwave (Glowies).vitalskin (6.0 KB)
Synthwave.vitalskin (6.0 KB)
Not my cup of tea, but I can fully appreciate the work that went in to this. Very coherent and on-brand look!!
Here’s my first Vital skin. Hopefully someone will vibe with it ![Essential|690x401]
I didn’t know you could change the projection angle on the 3D view like that. Interesting…
you can. its the wavetable horizontal angle parameter.
Nice. I like the straight-on view.
This is an outstanding skin! My new default.
I made a new Vital skin and called it Dark Sky. Dark Sky.vitalskin (9.9 KB) Here are some screenshots:
Noticed that this is still being liked, its outdated.
Version with mistakes fixed:
I can’t thank you enough Woody!! This has been my default skin for Vital for some time now. It’s like it was meant to be… the most pleasing skin out there imo and better than the factory skin.
Thanks so much for making Vital even more of a joy to use
You’re welcome!
A new skin, I uploaded to the discord about a week ago, Cyan & Magenta!
Cyan & Magenta v3.vitalskin (12.6 KB)
my idea with the wavetable angle. lol.
Yeah I really like the look of it